CentOS OptionsFollowing the recent announcement of CentOS 8 to migrate from CentOS 8 to CentOS Stream, this widely used Linux distribution is moving to an intermediate version of RHEL for development....
Virtualization is a technique for creating a view of multiple computers or servers based on a real computer, dedicated server, or cluster. This device is called a host. It has a certain proc...
Linux - free software. On its basis, a large number of distributions have been created. Ready-made, such as Windows, Linux is not available. This operating system is distributed by large software comp...
CentOS - can be decrypted as Community Enterprise Operating System and it is 100% rebuild of RHEL (Red Hat Enterprise Linux). While RHEL costs money, CentOS is offered as a free, community-supported e...
Installing plugins from the WordPress Dashboard is so easy that you probably never need to know how to manually install a plugin via FTP. But this method is still useful to know if the WordPress plugi...